Have you ever felt like slapping the next person who said something stupid, hitting the door just because you're ticked off, kicking the curb just because you felt like it, calling a friend to scream just because your 'other half' made you mad? If so, you need a dog. Really. Dogs are theraputic in so many ways. Trust me when you live a life as hectic as mine it's great to have so many dogs to go home to. They listen, they cry with you, they kiss away your tears, they lay with you and make funny noises when you're trying to be serious.
Sometimes you need a friend that will keep their opinions to themselves but we all know that there is no such thing. Well, I'm lying a little because there really is a friend that will listen and understand what your venting about and they won't talk back. (They may huff and puff but don't worry they're not telling you they're bored they're more than likely trying to get comfy because they know they might be there for a while listening to you talk away) Dogs have a way of knowing when something is wrong and they get really sad when you're sad, they get happy when you're happy. They're copy cats or dogs-they feed off of your emotions. So remember when you're emotional they will be too. They're not bipolar.
Sometimes you need the advice without actually hearing it from someone. I know that sounds like it doesn't make sense but let me break it down for you; sometimes you know the right path to take but you often second guess your decision, although you know that the decision you made is the one you should take. Sometimes you just need a kick in the rear to make it happen but you don't neccessarily want to hear it from your friend, Ms. Talks-way-too-darn-much. Confide in your four-legged-furry family member. I can't quite explain how they are able to reassure you but with their soft stare and positive attitude they're able to convince you that you're making the right choice. (if they second guess themselves then you're effn effed!) haha.
Sometimes all you need is a special friend. Sometimes all you need is a warm smile. Sometimes all you need is someting to hold. Sometimes all you need is to laugh or cry. Sometimes you just need to be left alone without actually being alone. Sometimes all you need is a friend to share that huge bag of Doritos with. Sometimes when you're sad and confused or happy and overwhelmed all you need is a (whatever you need when you feel that way). Sometimes all you need is someone to laugh at your stupid jokes. Sometimes all you need is a hand to hold during a scary movie. Sometimes all you need is a DOG.
Passion for Pitbulls
My Babies

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Good Morning Present
Good Morning! For the first morning in about a week I am pleased to announce that I woke up to a pee-free living room! Woohooo! I have 6 dogs so accidents are bound to happen. But come on...everynight?! My dogs are all grown up and know better not to pee inside and they also know that when they do pee inside they have to face the consequenses...meaning they have to go outside and think about what they just did "whats there to think about lady?...I peed. That's it. nothing less..nothing more-it's pee." So I know there's a reason to why they are peeing inside b/c they like the air-conditioning too much to be punished and made to go outside and sit there in the hot, fur frizzing weather. I don't believe in hitting animals. I think it's harsh and to be quite honest- if you got hit everytime you made a mistake you'd probrably be very unhappy so imagine what your pet feels everytime you hit them. Anyway, the pee protruder had peed in the same spot for about 4 days in a row. I can't say I know who did it but I have an idea (not mentioning any names-SUGAR!) Theres something you have to understand about my dogs...they're actually smarter than humans. Really. I'm not bragging just b/c they are my dogs (seriously, who would brag about their dog peeing on the floor) but I truly think they are smarter than humans and anyone with a pittie can side with me on this one. Okay, okay back to the story...I already had it in my mind that I was going to wake up to 'Lake Pee' again so I left the bleach, scrub brush, papertowels and mop out just so I didn't have to rummage through everything to collect it all again. I'm happy to report that there was no pee when I woke up this morning! ( Unless they found a new spot to pee where it would be harder to locate) I wouldn't put it past them to do such a funny thing. So, I thought to myself "self, why in the world is there no pee today but there has been every other night? What did I do different?" And all the the dogs looked at me as if they knew just what I was thinking and I know that is what they were thinking b/c I can read their minds.( They think they're the only ones with the mind-reading gift- pffft!) I soon realized that they were acting out by peeing in the living room to get me to stay up longer with them at night. (not kidding) Last night was the first night in a while that I actually stayed up until at least 9.( hence why the doggies call me 'old lady') They don't like when I come home to cook dinner, fold clothes, clean the cat box and try and sit down to eat dinner. They'd much rather me grab one of their toys and play ragdoll with them (me being the ragdoll) b/c they are so much stronger than me when we play tug-of-war I end up getting tossed around like a ragdoll. As much as I like being tossed around I've gotta get things cleaned up too. (they dont agree) So, after eating dinner I get pretty sleepy and all I want to do is crawl into bed and sleep (again, they don't agree) so they bang their metal dog bowls on the tile floor, wag their tail against any solid object, lick themselves silly, chew their toys while snorting, play fight, drink water like it's the last time they'll ever see it and run around like a bunch of crazy dogs with their tounges flopping out while flinging crumb-filled slobber everywhere. I must admit it is pretty friggin' funny. So, after I get my way, which isn't very often, I manage to fall asleep. I know that they get together every night on the leather theatre chairs ( bad dogs--hehe I won't tell your Daddy if you don't) to plot against Mommy falling asleep at 8 o'clock every single friggin' night! I think they decided on Sugar doing the dirty work b/c they know that when Sugar does something bad all she has to do is close her eyes and pick up her paw and ask for forgiveness. ( sometimes she does this before I discover whats shes done) She gives herself up. Meanwhile the other doga re in the background thinking "oh, Sugar, now you've done it!" haha. And they know that I can't yell at her for being so sorry. ( I know that secretly she's laughing and saying" I got you good old lady!") But she's right- she did get me b/c I never yell at her no matter how bad she was b/c I know that my dogs do everything for a reason whether it's peeing on the floor to try and guilt me into staying up later, sleeping on the couch b/c they only get blankies now for always chewing their beds, knocking the water jug over b/c all that's left is back-wash, running me down while humping my leg b/c they are so happy to see me after a long day of being away, hiding my new (chewed) flip flop under the couch that I never clean under b/c I forgot to leave chew toys out for them. I told you they're smarter than people. Would you think of doing half of those things to get what you want? I didn't think so. Anyway, so tonight I will stay up a little later just for them. I will cuddle them, kiss them, lay with them, talk to them and maybe even watch some animal hoarding with them. They say I'm getting out of control. ( For onnce, I disagree with them) And maybe tomorrow morning I will wake up to a good morning present other than 'Lake Pee'. I love my dogs (my babies) more than anything in the world. They keep me sane by always understanding me without judging me and they drive me insane by knowing way too much. :) My point in the story is to pay attention to what your dogs are trying to tell you. Obviously they can't talk ( or they'd be in time out half of their life for back talking) and tell you what they want or need. They act out to try and get you to understand what they are trying to communicate to you. So, next time they act out or do something they don't normally do- think abou what they might be trying to say rather than getting them into trouble right away. They will appreciate you a lot more. It's all part of bonding with your four-legged furry family member...
Monday, May 2, 2011
A life left to die in a shelter
If you counted the number of days you have lived it is very likely that it will not amount to how many dogs are killed everyday in shelters. It is a harsh reality but it is very true. Shelters are all too often full to their maximum capacity and they are left with no choice but to euthanize animals to make room for new ones. The dogs are lead down death row to face being gassed or an injection. Either way it is nowhere near pleasant for the animals. Sometimes the animal being euthanized doesn't immediately die but they siezure and experience a very uncomfortable death. The sad reality is that the human race is to blame yet the poor animals face the consequence of being killed. Have you ever been to a shelter and looked into a helpless, lost, desperate animals eyes? It's more than heartbreaking let me tell you. Yet, many people chose not to do anything to help or they add to the problem by buying/selling dogs, chosing not to spay/nueter their pet, dump their unwanted pet in a kill shelter or they get a dog without being fully prepared for it and the dog suffers for it.
So you're sad now? I'm sorry to say this but being sad doesn't help the animals, being sad doesn't make a difference, being sad doesn't give an animal a second chance at a good life, being sad doesn't rescue a dog from a life of torture and neglect, being sad doesn't feed a dog, being sad doesn't comfort a lonley and terrified dog...do you undersatnd that just being sad doesn't help anything. People need to stand up for the animlas who can't stand up for themselves. There needs to be more people who care enough to make a difference instead of saying or thinking "someone else will do it" because if everyone lived by that there would be noone doing anything to help. Do something to make a difference in a life: donate a dollar to help pay for a treat for a sad puppy who was left to die in a shelter, make a blanket for a senior dog who was left to die in a shelter, say hello to a timid dog who was left to die in a shelter, foster a dog over the weekend and show them the meaning of love. Those are just a few things you can do to make a difference and little do you know it made all the difference in the life left to die in a shelter.
If you walk away with anything today I hope you remember at least one thing: while you sit at home eating a home cooked meal surrounded by the people you love please remember that there are thousands of dogs alone, scared, hungry, battered, beaten, cold and sad sitting in a cage waiting for their forever home knowing that it may never come. Remember that when you're tucked away in your warm bad that there are thousands of dogs that are scheduled to die after you fall asleep, remember that when you wake up the next morning to go on with your everyday life that there are thousands of dogs facing the reality that today will be their last day to live, remember that without the help of people another life will be left to die in a shelter.
So you're sad now? I'm sorry to say this but being sad doesn't help the animals, being sad doesn't make a difference, being sad doesn't give an animal a second chance at a good life, being sad doesn't rescue a dog from a life of torture and neglect, being sad doesn't feed a dog, being sad doesn't comfort a lonley and terrified dog...do you undersatnd that just being sad doesn't help anything. People need to stand up for the animlas who can't stand up for themselves. There needs to be more people who care enough to make a difference instead of saying or thinking "someone else will do it" because if everyone lived by that there would be noone doing anything to help. Do something to make a difference in a life: donate a dollar to help pay for a treat for a sad puppy who was left to die in a shelter, make a blanket for a senior dog who was left to die in a shelter, say hello to a timid dog who was left to die in a shelter, foster a dog over the weekend and show them the meaning of love. Those are just a few things you can do to make a difference and little do you know it made all the difference in the life left to die in a shelter.
If you walk away with anything today I hope you remember at least one thing: while you sit at home eating a home cooked meal surrounded by the people you love please remember that there are thousands of dogs alone, scared, hungry, battered, beaten, cold and sad sitting in a cage waiting for their forever home knowing that it may never come. Remember that when you're tucked away in your warm bad that there are thousands of dogs that are scheduled to die after you fall asleep, remember that when you wake up the next morning to go on with your everyday life that there are thousands of dogs facing the reality that today will be their last day to live, remember that without the help of people another life will be left to die in a shelter.
Introduction to my crazy life
Hello Friends! First I want to start out with thanking a few good people that I've been lucky enough to meet recently. Ashley Owen Hill, Amy Ayers Mahoney and last but not least Daisy Dooley. These people (and dog) are really truly amazing and they have helped me realize that I am not the only one fighting what seems to be an endless battle to save animals. They do it everyday and they are my inspirations. I often felt like giving up b/c in the world of fighting for animals you often get beat down and there becomes a point when you feel like you just can't do enough. Well, you can do something volunteer, donate, advocate, foster and remember do not buy from pet stores or breeders and please do not breed your pet! There are thousands of animals that die everyday due to over population in shelters and we have noone to blame but the worthless scumbags who breed their dogs, the people who "dont have time" for their once beloved pet, people who buy puppies only to find out they weren't ready for them and dump them in a shelter once they aren't so cute anymore, people who don't take time to train their dogs and dump them the first time he/she chews something, people who chain their dogs outside and dump the dog for "barking too much" they don't care enough to realize that the poor dog was only crying out for attention. Dogs are my life and I live my life for them. My mission is to one day open up my very own rescue shelter and rehabilitate bully breeds such as pitbulls. I will continue to strive for this because there are too many pitties dying in shelters everyday. Until I am able to do this I will share my stories on the pitties I've rescued and risked my life to do so. I will be their voice because someone has to be...
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